Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hi Guys!!So you are probably wondering whats on the pictures so far, right??!!Yeah!!alright!!Yeah..... Well I actually might have seen that somewhere before right?that fuzzy green ball like tree like thing....hmmm very undescribable hard to explain I guess!So far its a TREE!!!!!!BingBing!!100 Gummi Bärs!!!A Tree. and my project is actually not really about the tree itself you see. It's more some sort a spiritual kinda experience!!Alright enough with the bul****** its a tree and nothing else and nothing more the project is about the perception of light and shadow aroung a 14" circumference!HAH!Now ur impressed!!!And because I am such an amazingly lazy writer you shall be gettin a lot more tree pictures to look at in the next few weeks so look forward to it and I'll try and make it as green as possible!!!Cheers!

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